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Inspiration of the Week: rest, relaxation and ravishing style in south London

New year, new yard? Ring the changes in this handsome house in Stockwell, now for sale

Inspiration of the Week: rest, relaxation and ravishing style in south London

A change is as good as a rest, they say, but how about striking a deal in which you get both? Enter this four-bedroom house on Hubert Grove, which has recently come on the market and offers itchy-footed Inigo admirers the chance to switch things up rather substantially as January begins to bite.

For who could ever be blue in this beauty? Which brings us, rather neatly, to the palette of this place – a masterclass in decorating that manages to be playful and peaceful both. For every bold and bright hue (orange bathroom, we’re looking at you), there’s a cool stone or a calming grey. Not only do these quieter colours act as clever counterpoints to the punchier points, they make for more serene spaces that offer ample opportunity for rejuvenation when the time calls – now and throughout the year.

Equilibrium, then, is key – something the current owners have achieved with aplomb. Note the curtain that cleverly segments the green room, separating the bed and desk into nifty live/work zones and bringing new meaning to the phrase ‘divide and conquer’ in the process. No more crumpled sheets cramping your Zoom style now.

Meanwhile, we’re similarly head over heels for the handsome kitchen extension, where contemporary Crittall windows are elegantly levelled by plaster-pink walls, all softened by views of greenery outside.

Speaking of which: if nurturing nature is on this year’s to-do, this sunny patch of south London – south-facing, secluded and all set to go – is surely the tops. That said, while there’s plenty of mature planting to keep green fingers busy (and lots of herbs to bring into the kitchen) this arboured idyll is as much a place for pleasure as one for pruning and propagating – imagine drinks on the terrace after a sunny day’s sowing.

As in new year’s resolutions, so in life, it seems: striking a balance is the key to success. Sure, you could do dry January, but we’d advocate something altogether less punishing. Wouldn’t putting roots down somewhere quite so stylish be more exciting?

Hubert Grove, London SW9

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